The second 2016 LT-FPV minicopter race

We will host another minicopter race in Lithuania, estimated date is 07.23-24 (not final), registration will be open in a week, rules and location will be updated in a month. Some important changes compared to previous race event:

  • Race event will last one day – saturday or sunday, but we will have late night party independent from weather, so you can reserve entire weekend anyway
  • Max power on 5.8G band – 25mW. You have enough time to buy another VTX if you do not have one, don’t wait until last day
  • Only three classes (PRO, MINI and Freestyle), OPEN class gone (to save time – need to fit everything into one day)
  • We will completely re-work track. It will be bigger and have flags on turns (to keep close to FAI requirements). Track will be faster for pros and easier for newbies

The first LT-FPV minicopter race

The first race of FPV minicopters LT-FPV team is planning to hold in the second half of May, 2016. As preparatory and organizational work is being held – all those who wish to participate are asked to register and read the provisional rules. This will not be an international race event so only the basic information will be provided in English language but all the guests from other countries are welcome to participate.